IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth (Epcot)

*Sung lyrics in bold.

(Pre-show announcements.)

Good evening. On behalf of Walt Disney World — the place where dreams come true — we welcome all of you to Epcot, and World Showcase. We’re gathered here tonight, around the fire — as people of all lands have gathered for thousands and thousands of years before us — to share the light, and to share a story. An amazing story as old as time itself, but still being written. And though each of us has our own individual stories to tell, a true adventure emerges when we bring them all together as one. We hope you enjoy our story tonight: Reflections of Earth. (Blows out the lights.)

(Drum music begins. Fireworks, lasers, and fire effects begin, accompanied by theme song. Music changes. Globe begins spinning and lighting up with various scenes.)

With the stillness of the night,
There comes a time to understand.
To reach out and touch tomorrow,
Take the future in our hand.

We can see a new horizon
Built on all that we have done.
And our dreams begin another
Thousand circles ’round the sun

We go on
To the joy and through the tears.
We go on
To discover new frontiers.
Moving on 
With the current of the years. 

We go on, 
Moving forward now as one. 
Moving on 
With a spirit born to run.
Ever on 
With each rising sun,
To a new day,
We go on.

(The spinning globe opens to reveal flames and fireworks.)

We go on!

(Show ends with fireworks finale.)

Ladies and gentlemen, the entire Epcot family thanks you for having been with us for IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth — presented by Siemens. We hope that your visit to the Walt Disney World Resort has been a truly magical experience for you and yours. We wish you a pleasant evening and a safe journey home. Thank you, and goodnight!

(Exit music begins: “We’ll Go On.”)

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